MICE and Travel professionals, add an air transport expert to your toolbox!

Your level of requirement is legitimately high, and the organization of an ‘incentive’ trip requires careful preparation. The project you have been entrusted with is intended to reward your employees and to promote your brand across customers or partners. Failing is not an option. The perfect planning of your event is key; yet you do not have control over all aspects involved in the process.

As far as transportation is concerned, we understand your expectations exceed the standards imposed by scheduled operators (airlines or rail carriers) in terms of route options, timetables, capacity and service quality. Setting-up special flights for your passengers seems to be the right way to go, but their implementation and proper execution raise many questions:

  • How to rent an aircraft? What are the costs? What does the aircraft charter price include?
  • Which aircraft type to select? Which route to choose?
  • What impact can the choice of schedules have on the price? What impact in case of delay?
  • What is the ‘ideal’ process to charter a passenger transport aircraft?
  • What are the essential terms of a charter contract that need your attention?
  • What happens in the event of technical problems with the aircraft or adverse weather conditions?
  • How to protect yourself against the bankruptcy of the chosen carrier?

All these questions are legitimate, and we will answer them and support you during the process of chartering an aircraft.

Why use Skylark Aviation Expert for an incentive trip?

Incentive Chartering with Skylark Aviation Expert | Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Incentive Chartering with Skylark Aviation Expert | Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

You have a clear idea of what your event should be. We invite you to take advantage of our expertise to design a solution fully aligned with your project, regardless of its nature. It can be a seminar to reward and motivate your employees, a product launch, or a meeting of senior managers or partners. Our value lies in ensuring the success and effectiveness of your work.

To achieve your objectives, allow us to help you deploy the correct tools to achieve them. For this, you can entrust us with the mission of simplifying the critical step of air transport so that it can be perfectly integrated into the tight schedule of your event or incentive project.

We are here to listen and to design tailor-made solutions

An aircraft charter project for an incentive event is unique. Therefore, we are equipped to enhance this experience for you, your guests, your customers and your employees. Our consultants, experts in air transport, will be available to develop a service that is precisely tailored to your needs. The perfect preparation and personalization of your flight will be our priority as much as yours. After selecting an aircraft and a relevant flight program, we will provide you with all the solutions adapted to your concrete specifications. After that, we will physically accompany you during flights, at the airport, and at your destination. This process is backed by a quality chart that defines the search for excellence we aim to.